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Exploring the dynamism of the IT market Back to all articles

The information and technology (IT) sector is undoubtedly a major driver of economic growth. According to a Gartner study, global IT spending is expected to reach $4.5 trillion in 2023, a 6.2% growth compared to 2022. This dynamism is largely driven by the rise of digitalization (web & app), cloud computing, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

At the same time, the IT sector is also a powerful creator of jobs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT jobs are expected to grow by 11% between 2019 and 2029, a rate well above the average for all other sectors. In Europe, the European Commission projects an increase of 1.7 million IT jobs by 2025.

The IT market has been very resilient in the face of the Covid-19 crisis. As this graph shows from data obtained from Statista, the IT market has experienced stable growth from the pre-Covid period to the post-Covid period.


The fast-growing IT sector offers many opportunities for IT professionals. However, it also presents significant challenges. To remain competitive, these professionals must constantly update their skills and adapt to new technologies and work methods.

By 2021, the number of people employed in the technology industry has been estimated at more than 18 million globally. From software engineers to data scientists to UX designers to cybersecurity specialists, careers in technology offer a variety of opportunities for those with the right skills and experience.

However, the tech job market remains competitive. Salaries for technology professionals are generally higher than those in other industries and unemployment rates are relatively low, demonstrating the attractiveness of the sector.

Here’s a chart from Statista that shows the most in-demand positions for IT recruiters worldwide in 2023.


La technologie, outil majeur de résilience durant les périodes d’incertitude comme celles vécues ces dernières années, devrait continuer à être un moteur de croissance dans le futur. Selon un rapport de Templeton & Partners en 2023 sur ‘L’État de l’Emploi et des Carrières des Professionnels du Marché IT‘, environ 65% des travailleurs du secteur technologique interrogés se montrent optimistes quant au marché de l’emploi en 2023 et au-delà.

Cet optimisme est toutefois tempéré par les défis inhérents à un secteur en constante évolution. Presque 22% des professionnels de la technologie interrogés se montrent insatisfaits de l’avenir du marché de l’emploi et de leurs perspectives de carrière. Cette inquiétude est principalement due au rythme rapide des changements dans le secteur, qui peuvent rendre difficile le suivi des dernières tendances et technologies.

Victor Carraz

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